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新的聯合實驗室采用Palas® PMFT 1000 口罩過濾測試儀

更新時間:2020-12-29      點擊次數:1232


· 位于巴斯夫上海創新園的新設施可為德國聯邦衛生部在中國采購的口罩提供快速樣品檢測

· New facility at BASF Innovation Campus Shanghai enables quick sample tests of face masks that are procured in China for the German Federal Ministry of Health



Joining hands with the world’s leading independent inspection service provider TÜV NORD and the leading developer and producer of filter test systems Palas®, BASF recently unveiled its new Mask Testing Lab at the company’s Innovation Campus in Shanghai. This joint initiative will support the Federal Ministry of Health in Germany to procure masks from China for medical or non-medical uses.

實驗室的建成僅耗時兩月,配備了由Palas®提供的世界的數字化測試工具。 實驗室專家每天都可以從TÜV北德在上海檢查的防護口罩中測試40個樣品。 經TÜV北德認證的口罩將運抵德國,以抗擊疫情。

Built within two months, the lab is equipped with world-class digitalized testing tools provided by Palas®. Lab specialists are able to test 40 samples from each lot of protective face masks TÜV NORD inspects in Shanghai every day. Masks qualified by TÜV NORD will be shipped to Germany in fighting the  pandemic.

TÜV北德大中華區副總裁Jeffery Fan說:“得益于這些新設施,我們能夠使用實時數據傳輸,直接監控在中國的口罩測試過程和結果。我們很高興與巴斯夫和Palas®一起,以高效、專業的方式測試口罩。”

“The new facility allows us to monitor the mask testing process and the results directly in China, using real-time data transfer,” said Jeffery Fan, Vice President of TÜV NORD Greater China. “We are very excited to work with BASF and Palas® to test the masks in an efficient and professional manner.”

這是巴斯夫自今年3月發起的“‘手’護行動”項目的多項舉措之一。巴斯夫計劃投入約 1 億歐元用于疫情防控。巴斯夫大中華區總裁兼董事長柯迪文博士(Stephan Kothrade)表示:“我們一直在與合作伙伴和有關當局合作,以實際行動減輕疫情的影響。我們很榮幸與TÜV北德以及Palas®在中國攜手,支持這個將惠及更多人的項目。”

This is one of the several initiatives of BASF’s “Helping Hands” campaign rolled out in March. BASF is fighting the pandemic worldwide with a total financial commitment of approximately €100 million. “We have been working with partners and relevant authorities to alleviate the effects of the corona crisis around the world,” said Dr. Stephan Kothrade, President and Chairman Greater China, BASF. “We are very honored to work with TÜV NORD and Palas® in China to support this initiative that may help more people.”

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